WEEK 5-8


Plan for a week – 3 pool sessions (twice DYNb, once STA), 2 gym sessions (body weight exercises), 3 morning sessions (breathing technique/stretching/equalization practice)

Day 1. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + pool training – STA (1 hr)

Morning session (13) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching (video), 5 minutes diaphragm breathing (lying on the floor, legs bended) video.

STA (5) – “Classical” CO2 STA table (7 holds), based on previous week max time (video). Finish with swimming 10 minutes, breaststroke kick with a kick board (or keeping arms in the streamline position), slow speed, max glide between kicks

Day2. Gym/home workout (upper body) + full body stretching

Gym (9) SET 1 (same as WEEK 1). Total time:  30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine ( SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 3. Morning session – equalization practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (14) – neck stretching, glottis control exercises, Frenzel t-position equalization

DYN (9) – 25 meters, up to 12 times, 1-minute rest in between. Focus on general relaxation and kicking technique. Finish with 25*5 fins sprints (on the back), rest in between until full recovery.

Day 4. Gym/home workout (lower body) + full body stretching

Gym (10) SET 2. Legs, lower back, abdominal. Total time: 30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine ( SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 5. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (15) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes 3 sections breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching

DYN (10) – 30 meters up to 5 times, 1.30 minutes rest in between. Focus on head position and shoulders’ relaxation. Finish with 10 minutes fins swimming face down (breathing through snorkel), arms in a streamlining position, medium speed.

Day 6-7 REST


Plan for a week – 3 pool sessions (twice DYNb, once STA), 2 gym sessions (body weight exercises), 3 morning sessions (breathing technique/stretching/equalization practice)

Day 1. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + pool training – STA (1 hr)

Morning session (16) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching (video), 5 minutes diaphragm breathing (lying on the floor, legs bended) .

STA (6) Warm-up 2*60 seconds breath hold (or longer, stop when contractions start). Main training 2*2 minutes (or less, not more than 30 seconds after first contraction). Finish with swimming 10 minutes. Full breaststroke, slow speed, max gliding between arm strokes and kicks

Day2. Gym/home workout (upper body) + full body stretching

Gym (11) SET 1 (same as WEEK 1). Total time:  30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine ( SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 3. Morning session – equalization practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (17) – neck stretching, glottis control exercises, Frenzel t-position equalization

DYN (11) – 25*8-10, 3-5 breath in/breath out in between. This exercise should be difficult (since you quickly accumulate a lot of CO2), but doable. If it is way too difficult, increase rest time or decrease the number of repetitions. Repeat a second time if possible (after enough rest). Finish with 10 minutes fins swimming face down (breathing through snorkel), arms along the body, alternating speed between medium and fast.

Day 4. Gym/home workout (lower body) + full body stretching

Gym (12) SET 2. Legs, lower back, abdominal. Total time: 30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine ( SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 5. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (18) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes 3 sections breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching

DYN (12) – 25 meters, up to 12 times, 1-minute rest in between. Focus on gliding – two kicks and glide until stop. Focus on head position, shoulders relaxation, kicking technique. Finish with 5*25 meters fins swimming sprints on the back.

Day 6-7 REST

Freediving Pool Training


Plan for a week – 3 pool sessions (twice DYNb, once STA), 2 gym sessions (body weight exercises), 3 morning sessions (breathing technique/stretching/equalization practice)

Day 1. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + pool training – STA (1 hr)

Morning session (19) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm breathing (lying on the floor, legs bended), 5 minutes diaphragm stretching.

STA (7) “No contractions” table 5-7 times, relaxation breathing at least 2 minutes in between. Finish with swimming, arm stroke with a pull buoy or small fins. Slow speed, max gliding between strokes.  

Day2. Gym/home workout (upper body) + full body stretching

Gym (13) SET 1 (same as WEEK 1). Total time:  30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine ( SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 3. Morning session – equalization practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (20) – neck stretching, glottis control exercises, Frenzel t-position equalization

DYN (13) – Warm-up 2*25 meters, 1-minute rest in between. 3-minute rest, 2*40 meters. Finish with 10 minutes swimming bi fins, alternating on left and right side, speed – fast, focus on correct kicking

Day 4. Gym/home workout (lower body) + full body stretching

Gym (14) SET 2. Legs, lower back, abdominal. Total time: 30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine ( SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 5. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (21) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes 3 sections breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching

DYN (14) – Warm-up 2*25 meters, 1-minute rest in between. 3-5 minutes rest, 50 meters. Rest of the session fins swimming face down, arms in a streamline position. Speed medium

Day 6-7 REST


Plan for a week – 3 pool sessions (twice DYNb, once STA), 2 gym sessions (bodyweight exercises), 3-morning sessions (breathing technique/stretching/equalization practice)

Day 1. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + pool training – STA (1 hr)

Morning session (22) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching, 5 minutes diaphragm breathing (lying on the floor, legs bent).

STA (8) “Classical” CO2 STA table (7 holds, breath-hold time – add 10 seconds to STA training № 5). Finish with swimming 10 minutes, breaststroke kick with a kickboard (or keeping arms in the streamline position), slow speed, max glide between kicks

Day2. Gym/home workout (upper body) + full body stretching

Gym (15) SET 1 (same as WEEK 1). Total time:  30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine (SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 3. Morning session – equalization practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (22) – neck stretching, glottis control exercises, Frenzel t-position equalization

DYN (15) – Warm-up 2*25 meters. Main training 10*25 meters, 30 seconds rest between repetitions. Focus on relaxation and gliding between kicks. Slow speed. Finish with 5*25 meters fins swimming sprints.

Day 4. Gym/home workout (lower body) + full-body stretching

Gym (16) SET 2. Legs, lower back, abdominal. Total time: 30 minutes or less

Full body stretching routine (SAME AS WEEK 1). Total time: at least 30 minutes

Day 5. Morning session – breathing practice (15 minutes) + DYNb (1 hr)

Morning session (23) – 5 minutes relaxation breathing, 5 minutes 3 sections breathing, 5 minutes diaphragm stretching

DYN (16) – Warm-up 2*25 meters. Main training – Over-under (50-25)*25 minutes. Slow speed.

Day 6-7 REST

2 thoughts on “WEEK 5-8

  • Day 3 of week 6: the dynamic seems FREAKING hard… 10 times 25m with ONLY 3 breaths between the laps??? I’ll have to try if I can do that… Seems more like torture though. I doubt if I can do 3 laps like that…

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